You gotta' admire that Polish Powerhouse!
(too old to reply)
2004-01-18 11:35:48 UTC
In the course of research for papers this Author is writing, this Author has
been most encouraged by the policies of Poland toward our NATO Alliance.
Contrast that to France, which has a history of anti-NATO behavior with in
the Alliance. And, like Canada, Poland is often forgotten when it comes to
transatlantic relations and is not even considered as part of "Europe."

Poland's enthusiastic participation in the Alliance mirrors that of my own
enthusiastic participation in the Alliance elsewhere, by other means. First,
the Poles and their supporters here in America pressed for NATO membership
for their homeland. The Poles were the first to defend the Atlantic Alliance
when it was viewed as "in trouble" last year. The Poles utilized Article
Four to press for assistance in Iraq. A new NATO training facility for the
NRF will be located on Polish soil. And the Poles are pressing for more
expanded roles for the NATO Alliance, as well as more liberal out-of-area

It is truly inspiring to see a NATO member nation that is so dedicated to
our Alliance and places NATO first in their own national security matters.
Neither France nor the United States places NATO first, and the NATO
Alliance is second place when selfish national interests are considered at
stake. Poland has placed NATO and its organizational health at the top of
their national interests. The Polish Powerhouse in NATO ought to inspire us
NATO supporters - and Poland should replace both France and Germany as "NATO

Thanks Poland!
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
P.O. Box 371162
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - USA 53237-2062
"In service of peace and freedom!"
2004-01-18 18:34:47 UTC
Post by ESLaPorte
Thanks Poland!
Thanks a lot. Like you say. Europe's Western reunion without
Solidarnoscz would have been twenty years down the line, if ever.

Bill Levinson
2004-01-18 23:41:37 UTC
Post by vienalga_man
Post by ESLaPorte
Thanks Poland!
Thanks a lot. Like you say. Europe's Western reunion without
Solidarnoscz would have been twenty years down the line, if ever.
Someone should have told those Russians about a saying we have in the
U.S.; don't steal a horse you can't ride. Adam Zamoyski's "The Polish
Way" says that trying to fit Communism/Socialism to Poland was like
trying to put a saddle on a cow. The cow couldn't throw the saddle off
but she could work it off gradually, and then the would-be rider fell off.

