The new NATO members and relations with Russia. . .
(too old to reply)
2004-04-02 01:02:46 UTC
Your just jealous. Serbia wont get in NATO this side of the 22nd Century.
Keep on repeating that to yourself over and over, doorknob. NATzO will be
irrelevant in under 20 years. The future is China, India and Russia.
Here is a bit of trivia illustrating how "rock solid" Slovenian support for
- Less than a year before the March 2003 referendum, i.e. in May 2002, the
poll showed that one third of Slovenians didn't know whether to join NATO or
not. Majority of the decided ones said they would vote against joining NATO;
- 80% of Slovenians are against US invasion of IRAQ
So what happened in the meantime? Well, looks like the NATO-paid spinmasters
used the murder of Serbian prime minister Djindjic, as well as the general
atmosphere of instability in the Balkans (both orchestrated and/or provoked
by NATO itself) to convince Slovenians they needed protection.
Good luck dear Slovenians. You'll need it!
| >
| > > "The new NATO members and relations with Russia. . ."
| > > Tue, Mar 30 2004
| > > by ESLaPorte
| > > http://www.pronato.com/commentary/index.htm
| > > 8<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
| > [....]
| >
| >
| >
| > Press warns Nato's new recruits
| >
| > The media in Nato's seven newest member states in the Balkans and
| > Baltic have given a broad welcome to their accession to the
| >
| > But several commentators warn that the newly-enrolled members -
| > Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania -
| will
| > now have to learn how to pull their weight.
| >
| > The two messages come together in a commentary in Slovenia's Vecer
| > newspaper.
| >
| > Slovenia, the paper writes, "will have to do a lot to become a
| > credible and more trustworthy ally".
| >
| > Accession "represents an end to idyllic and peaceful lounging
| around",
| > another paper, Delo, believes.
| Slovenia is finally going to pay the price for the treason of Yugoslavia.
| You thought you were exploited in Yugoslavia? Watch now.
| Aleksandar Sarovic
| > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3582967.stm
| >
| >
2004-04-02 01:19:46 UTC
"The new NATO members and relations with Russia. . ."
Tue, Mar 30 2004
by ESLaPorte
Press warns Nato's new recruits
The media in Nato's seven newest member states in the Balkans and
Baltic have given a broad welcome to their accession to the organisation.
But several commentators warn that the newly-enrolled members -
Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania -
now have to learn how to pull their weight.
The two messages come together in a commentary in Slovenia's Vecer
Slovenia, the paper writes, "will have to do a lot to become a more
credible and more trustworthy ally".
Accession "represents an end to idyllic and peaceful lounging
another paper, Delo, believes.
Slovenia is finally going to pay the price for the treason of Yugoslavia.
You thought you were exploited in Yugoslavia? Watch now.

And if these fucks decide to attack Russia, we will wipe them *all* out.
Randy McDonald
2004-04-02 03:37:25 UTC
Post by kirill
Slovenia is finally going to pay the price for the treason of Yugoslavia.
You thought you were exploited in Yugoslavia? Watch now.
Having to spend 2% of your GDP on your military, while a bit of a
nuisance for your average central European up-and-coming economy, isn't
exactly exploitation.
Post by kirill
And if these fucks decide to attack Russia, we will wipe them *all* out.
Really. Russia has nuclear weapons, of course, and if its leadership
wants to slaughter huge numbers of civilians (again), it can use them.
Its force-projection ability, using conventional forces, isn't very
significant outside of its frontiers, though.
Aleksandar Sarovic
2004-04-02 12:22:27 UTC
Post by Randy McDonald
Post by kirill
Slovenia is finally going to pay the price for the treason of Yugoslavia.
You thought you were exploited in Yugoslavia? Watch now.
Having to spend 2% of your GDP on your military, while a bit of a
nuisance for your average central European up-and-coming economy, isn't
exactly exploitation.
2%? Are you joking? 2% of GDP is enough just for buying military shoes. They
will have to send 2% of its people to fight for the USA in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Iran, and where ever a new conquering and occupying of the
world is needed.

Post by Randy McDonald
Post by kirill
And if these fucks decide to attack Russia, we will wipe them *all* out.
Really. Russia has nuclear weapons, of course, and if its leadership
wants to slaughter huge numbers of civilians (again), it can use them.
Its force-projection ability, using conventional forces, isn't very
significant outside of its frontiers, though.
Randy McDonald
2004-04-02 13:55:19 UTC
Post by Randy McDonald
Post by kirill
Slovenia is finally going to pay the price for the treason of
Post by Randy McDonald
Post by kirill
You thought you were exploited in Yugoslavia? Watch now.
Having to spend 2% of your GDP on your military, while a bit of a
nuisance for your average central European up-and-coming economy, isn't
exactly exploitation.
2%? Are you joking? 2% of GDP is enough just for buying military shoes. They
will have to send 2% of its people to fight for the USA in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Iran, and where ever a new conquering and occupying of the
world is needed.
Um, right. I'm going to ask to see cites, here.
Randy McDonald
2004-04-02 03:36:30 UTC
Post by kirill
Your just jealous. Serbia wont get in NATO this side of the 22nd Century.
Keep on repeating that to yourself over and over, doorknob. NATzO will be
irrelevant in under 20 years. The future is China, India and Russia.
Why Russia, in particular, if I may ask? What advantages does Russia
have over, say, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Poland, Turkey, Iran, or
Thailand? It's a middle-income economy, true; it has a lot of advanced
technology, true; but it doesn't stand out particularly among these
countries, apart from having a more eventful history to its deficit.
2004-04-02 23:39:34 UTC
Your just jealous. Serbia wont get in NATO this side of the 22nd Century.
The truth is that NATO wants Serbia in PfP very soon, but the run of two war
criminals prevents that. I'm not sure if that is really Serbia fault, or the
Serb nationalists in BiH.

Well, you can listen to SecGen Scheffer and Kostunica at the link below:

23 March 2004 Press point with NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop
Scheffer and the Prime Minister of Serbia, Mr. Vojislav Kostunica at NATO
Vlado Bevc
2004-04-13 16:09:08 UTC
It must be fun seeing Italians flying cover over the Slovenian
territory where in 1945 American planes were shot down by Slovenian
communists and the crews murdered.
Isn't this "collaboration"????
I think that if Slovenians were to make a coordinated turn in one of
those planes they'd be infringing on foreign territory -- (thanks to
their "diplomats" Ales Bebler and his cohorts).

2004-04-03 00:37:38 UTC
Youre a fucking idiot, "ESLaPorte".

WOW! What intelligence!
This is one of the fellows that still thinks its not yet 1991...
Along with the fellow named "treasue' that keeps mindlessly reciting the old
Lord Ismay phrase from the Cold War!

"The North Atlantic pact is designed solely to secure peace and promote
progress. The firsts objective - peace - seems infinitely and immediately
desirable as threats to peace appear. Security - as it has been said, is the
idea of the insecure - and at the present we are all insecure. We seek to
put force behind peace and freedom now, so that later they can be maintained
without force. Until that later time is reached, however, we must be on our
guard . . ." Lester Pearson.
Standa Voprcalek
2004-04-03 01:20:33 UTC
Pearson was a Canadian dick!!!!!!

Post by ESLaPorte
Youre a fucking idiot, "ESLaPorte".
WOW! What intelligence!
This is one of the fellows that still thinks its not yet 1991...
Along with the fellow named "treasue' that keeps mindlessly reciting the old
Lord Ismay phrase from the Cold War!
"The North Atlantic pact is designed solely to secure peace and promote
progress. The firsts objective - peace - seems infinitely and immediately
desirable as threats to peace appear. Security - as it has been said, is the
idea of the insecure - and at the present we are all insecure. We seek to
put force behind peace and freedom now, so that later they can be maintained
without force. Until that later time is reached, however, we must be on our
guard . . ." Lester Pearson.
2004-04-03 16:34:31 UTC
Post by Standa Voprcalek
Pearson was a Canadian dick!!!!!!
I wouldn't go that far as I'm not one to call people names like that,
whether I approve of their philosophy or not. But you have to admit, he
was light years above Trudeau (which still doesn't say much) ;-)


Remove 'Elle-Kabong' to reply
Standa Voprcalek
2004-04-03 16:42:06 UTC
Post by Ruddell
Post by Standa Voprcalek
Pearson was a Canadian dick!!!!!!
I wouldn't go that far as I'm not one to call people names like that,
whether I approve of their philosophy or not. But you have to admit, he
was light years above Trudeau (which still doesn't say much) ;-)
Trudeau, was a BIG DICK and founder of Communist Republic of Canada a
predessesor of con man Chretien ,who should be jailed for stealing taxpayers

Post by Ruddell
Remove 'Elle-Kabong' to reply
2004-04-03 17:05:06 UTC
Post by Standa Voprcalek
Post by Ruddell
Post by Standa Voprcalek
Pearson was a Canadian dick!!!!!!
I wouldn't go that far as I'm not one to call people names like that,
whether I approve of their philosophy or not. But you have to admit,
he was light years above Trudeau (which still doesn't say much) ;-)
Trudeau, was a BIG DICK and founder of Communist Republic of Canada a
predessesor of con man Chretien ,who should be jailed for stealing
taxpayers money.
Yes, I wish they'd have done a witch hunt on those two the way that
Colin Thatcher was treated...throwing an innocent man in jail basically
because they didn't like his attitude/viewpoints just isn't justice.


Remove 'Elle-Kabong' to reply
2004-04-03 22:38:38 UTC
The Canadians should be proud of this great diplomat! Lester Pearson was the
chief author of the North Atlantic Treaty's Article Two, the non-military
cooperation article. Article Two is called the "Canadian Article" because it
was authored by Lester Peason. In Escott Reid's "Time of Fear and Hope: The
Making of the North Atlantic Treaty, 1947-1949, the chapter called "More
than a military Alliance" is mainly about Article Two.

Pearson spent much time after the North Atlantic Treaty came into being
attempting to get his beloved Article Two, "implemented as he intended." He
was one of the "Committee of the Three" (or 'the Three Wise Men') in the
last 1950's for non-military cooperation in the NATO Alliance. What came out
of this committee was weekly meetings of the NAC and also the NATO
Parliamentary Assembly.

Text of the Report of the Committee of Three on Non-Military Cooperation in
NATO: http://www.nato.int/docu/basictxt/bt-a3.htm
Post by Standa Voprcalek
Pearson was a Canadian dick!!!!!!
Post by ESLaPorte
"The North Atlantic pact is designed solely to secure peace and promote
progress. The firsts objective - peace - seems infinitely and immediately
desirable as threats to peace appear. Security - as it has been said, is
Post by ESLaPorte
idea of the insecure - and at the present we are all insecure. We seek to
put force behind peace and freedom now, so that later they can be
Post by ESLaPorte
without force. Until that later time is reached, however, we must be on
Post by ESLaPorte
guard . . ." Lester Pearson.
Lester Pearson believed in NATO as more than a military alliance and was a
great patriot for both NATO and the Atlantic Community ! The Canadians
still embody and highly value the idea of Atlantic Community and solid
transatlantic realtions.

The Canadians are great members of our Alliance !

Lester Pearson: A NATO Wise Man - an information page on Article Two's chief
creator and fighter - the great Canadian patriot - Lester B. Pearson.
Standa Voprcalek
2004-04-03 22:56:57 UTC
Post by ESLaPorte
The Canadians should be proud of this great diplomat! Lester Pearson was the
chief author of the North Atlantic Treaty's Article Two, the non-military
cooperation article. Article Two is called the "Canadian Article" because it
was authored by Lester Peason. In Escott Reid's "Time of Fear and Hope: The
Making of the North Atlantic Treaty, 1947-1949, the chapter called "More
than a military Alliance" is mainly about Article Two.
Pearson spent much time after the North Atlantic Treaty came into being
attempting to get his beloved Article Two, "implemented as he intended." He
was one of the "Committee of the Three" (or 'the Three Wise Men') in the
last 1950's for non-military cooperation in the NATO Alliance. What came out
of this committee was weekly meetings of the NAC and also the NATO
Parliamentary Assembly.
Text of the Report of the Committee of Three on Non-Military Cooperation in
NATO: http://www.nato.int/docu/basictxt/bt-a3.htm
Post by Standa Voprcalek
Pearson was a Canadian dick!!!!!!
Post by ESLaPorte
"The North Atlantic pact is designed solely to secure peace and promote
progress. The firsts objective - peace - seems infinitely and
Post by Standa Voprcalek
Post by ESLaPorte
desirable as threats to peace appear. Security - as it has been said, is
Post by ESLaPorte
idea of the insecure - and at the present we are all insecure. We seek
Post by Standa Voprcalek
Post by ESLaPorte
put force behind peace and freedom now, so that later they can be
Post by ESLaPorte
without force. Until that later time is reached, however, we must be on
Post by ESLaPorte
guard . . ." Lester Pearson.
Lester Pearson believed in NATO as more than a military alliance and was a
great patriot for both NATO and the Atlantic Community ! The Canadians
still embody and highly value the idea of Atlantic Community and solid
transatlantic realtions.
The Canadians are great members of our Alliance !

Post by ESLaPorte
Lester Pearson: A NATO Wise Man - an information page on Article Two's chief
creator and fighter - the great Canadian patriot - Lester B. Pearson.
«Pas de deux»
2004-04-03 02:22:04 UTC
You obviously know nothing about Russian and Lithuanian history. Fuck off.

Post by ESLaPorte
Youre a fucking idiot, "ESLaPorte".
WOW! What intelligence!
This is one of the fellows that still thinks its not yet 1991...
Along with the fellow named "treasue' that keeps mindlessly reciting the old
Lord Ismay phrase from the Cold War!
"The North Atlantic pact is designed solely to secure peace and promote
progress. The firsts objective - peace - seems infinitely and immediately
desirable as threats to peace appear. Security - as it has been said, is the
idea of the insecure - and at the present we are all insecure. We seek to
put force behind peace and freedom now, so that later they can be maintained
without force. Until that later time is reached, however, we must be on our
guard . . ." Lester Pearson.
Randy McDonald
2004-04-03 15:24:35 UTC
In 1999, weren't you posting screeds about how NATO was innately evil
and needed to be destroyed?