Real Serbian patriots protest pay for war criminals.
(too old to reply)
2004-04-04 21:43:43 UTC
*Now - people - you should hear about some REAL Serbian patriots that want
their nation as part of the international community, including NATO and the
European Union!

These real - and brave - Serbian patriots love freedom, democracy, peace -
and do not want to return to the bad old days "where war criminals and mass
murderers became national heros while victims were disdained and denied
human dignity."

Let's pray and support the REAL Serbian patriots and hope they can win over
the nationalists!


Protest over Milosevic pay plan
From correspondents in Belgrade
April 02, 2004
A CONTROVERSIAL Serbian law allowing war crimes suspects including former
president Slobodan Milosevic to receive taxpayers' money while on trial
triggered a call today for widespread protest action.

A Serbian non-governmental organisation called for a "campaign of civic
disobedience and non-payment of taxes until the law is abolished", according
to the Beta news agency.

It accused the political parties who backed the legislation of seeking to
return to a society "where war criminals and mass murderers became national
heros while victims were disdained and denied human dignity".

"This government does not do what it was given a mandate for, so instead of
adopting legislation to improve position of unemployed and pensioners, it
adopts the law that irritates the international community," Aleksandar Popov
from the Centre for Regionalism in the northern town of Novi Sad, told Beta.

See the rest of the story at the link
Jerzy Pawlowski
2004-04-05 01:24:02 UTC
Post by ESLaPorte
Protest over Milosevic pay plan
From correspondents in Belgrade
April 02, 2004
Milosevic is only a suspect. Isn't he innocent
until proven guilty? Or maybe you have some other
law in NATO?
"Imbéciles réveillez vous!"

Jerzy Pawlowski (***@panix.com)
2004-04-06 04:18:03 UTC
Post by Jerzy Pawlowski
Post by ESLaPorte
Protest over Milosevic pay plan
From correspondents in Belgrade
April 02, 2004
Milosevic is only a suspect. Isn't he innocent
until proven guilty? Or maybe you have some other
law in NATO?
Oh, q....! So how did it happen you wrote
that Spanish and American soldiers committed
war crimes in Iraq? Shouldn't you have called
them just "suspects", innocent until proven guilty?
Your Mate
2004-04-06 06:37:42 UTC
Post by Jerzy Pawlowski
Post by ESLaPorte
Protest over Milosevic pay plan
From correspondents in Belgrade
April 02, 2004
Post by Jerzy Pawlowski
Milosevic is only a suspect. Isn't he innocent
until proven guilty? Or maybe you have some other
law in NATO?
Hitler too.
Remember waht he did to Czech?
Wht you not fight for Hitler?

What a fu**ing moron !!!
Post by Jerzy Pawlowski
"Imbéciles réveillez vous!"
Your Mate
2004-04-06 06:35:37 UTC
U Madridu, u Madridu grobnica od zlata.
Tu pociva vodja svih Hrvata.

Nilosevic is low-level criminal and anyone thinking he should have fair
trial is idiot.
Everyone knows what he and his servants Karadzic, Mladic etc did and how
many people they killed.

It is in interest of Serbs and all world to hang them A.S.A.P.
Post by ESLaPorte
*Now - people - you should hear about some REAL Serbian patriots that want
their nation as part of the international community, including NATO and the
European Union!
These real - and brave - Serbian patriots love freedom, democracy, peace -
and do not want to return to the bad old days "where war criminals and mass
murderers became national heros while victims were disdained and denied
human dignity."
Let's pray and support the REAL Serbian patriots and hope they can win over
the nationalists!
Protest over Milosevic pay plan
From correspondents in Belgrade
April 02, 2004
Post by ESLaPorte
A CONTROVERSIAL Serbian law allowing war crimes suspects including former
president Slobodan Milosevic to receive taxpayers' money while on trial
triggered a call today for widespread protest action.
A Serbian non-governmental organisation called for a "campaign of civic
disobedience and non-payment of taxes until the law is abolished", according
to the Beta news agency.
It accused the political parties who backed the legislation of seeking to
return to a society "where war criminals and mass murderers became national
heros while victims were disdained and denied human dignity".
"This government does not do what it was given a mandate for, so instead of
adopting legislation to improve position of unemployed and pensioners, it
adopts the law that irritates the international community," Aleksandar Popov
from the Centre for Regionalism in the northern town of Novi Sad, told Beta.
See the rest of the story at the link