Not a "NATO court to persecute Serbs!"
(too old to reply)
2004-04-03 01:35:15 UTC
Just wondering, but weren't you the person who was posting against NATO
back in 1999?
Yes - but it is not a bad thing to admit when you're wrong. I am also proud
of my transformation, which was a great thing!

Also - if you can get a hold of Escott Reid's "Time of Fear and Hope: The
making of the North Atlantic Treaty, 1947-1948." it will teach you about
courage, hope and the will to defend freedom.

I also did my research into the creation of NATO and its Treaty and did what
any good researcher does when confronted with the truth that her "anti-NATO"
theories are wrong. I changed my mind and fell in love with the great and
powerful epic of hope on the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty and the
creation of "organized and institutionalized Atlanticism" - aka the NATO

I also learned that NATO is not just a military alliance, but an
organization that is the establishment of basic values of the Atlantic
Community (aka Western civilization) that embodies democracy, freedom and
peaceful relations...

WOW - it was religious!!!
Your Mate
2004-04-06 06:46:18 UTC
Post by ESLaPorte
Just wondering, but weren't you the person who was posting against NATO
back in 1999?
Yes - but it is not a bad thing to admit when you're wrong. I am also proud
of my transformation, which was a great thing!
Oh shit. Another converted to Islam and joined Taliban.
Serbians really has no other future.
