Our new Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer... A diplomat rather than a military man is hopeful sign!
(too old to reply)
2003-09-24 13:46:20 UTC
Our new Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer... A diplomat rather than a
military man is hopeful sign!
By ESLaPorte
Wed, Sep 24 2003

Our new Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, is not a military man or a
defense minister, but a diplomat and a foreign minister. De Hoop Scheffer is
not a "military man." He spent only two years as a reserve officer in the
Royal Netherlands Air Force. He was born almost a year before the North
Atlantic Treaty signing (April 3, 1948) in Amsterdam. He attended Leiden
University law school and graduated in 1974.

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer served at his country's Permanent Delegation to NATO
in Brussels until 1980. Earlier this year, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer showed his
diplomatic skills by supporting the US-led Iraq war, but keeping the French
and Germans as friends. He is a Christian Democrat and was the leader of the
Parliamentary party. He has been Foreign Minister since July 2002.

He is described as a firm believer in the transatlantic relationship, the
Atlantic Alliance and NATO. What is good about the de Hoop Scheffer's
background is that he was associated with the military of his country for
only two years. The choice of a diplomat rather than a defense minister is a
signal that the NATO Alliance is coming to realize that it should no longer
be just a military alliance.

Many of us believe that for the Cold War to truly be over, NATO must drop
Cold War Atlanticism. That is, we can hope that NATO can start to define
itself as more than just arms, armies, tanks, ships and American bases in
Europe. The appointment of diplomat Jaap de Hoop Scheffer can help toward
this goal of a NATO that is more than just a military alliance.

Someday, hopefully, we can sit down and talk about the Atlantic Alliance,
transatlantic relationship - and even NATO - without bringing up anything
military or defense related!

In service of peace and freedom,
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
P.O. Box 371162
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - USA 53237-2062
Uno Hu
2003-09-24 23:05:54 UTC
"ESLaPorte" <***@prenatal> wrote some other EU socialist crap in a
US forum.
Here was my response:
From: "ESLaPorte"
Often these countries
clamor like children to the candy shop to get an invitation to join

That's because they often remember what things were like under
socialist totalitarian regimes like the one you support, La Puke..
But do the new Eastern European NATO members believe
they're getting NATO or the United States?
That's easy; The US.
First, we need to separate NATO from the United States and the United
from NATO.
Well yeah, I am sure that you and your socialist buds would like to
separate the US from NATO - but that's all BS anyway, as each and
every 'new european country' understands that the US *is* NATO.

If it came to a break - most would go with the US.
To be a NATO member is not necessarily to be
"pro-US" and a "US poodle" that is "doing the bidding of Washington"
- and
just ask France and Germany about that!
So when did France come crawling back to NATO?
To say that NATO is the United
States is absurd and is part of the anti-US/anti-NATO propaganda
around in..
By you, of course.
Europe once again
Becoming a
NATO member is not some "American membership" - but membership in the
Atlantic family of democracies.
There ain't no such thing as "Atlantic family of democracies"? Where
did you pick that jargon up from - some Pepe lePue international
institute in France?
Second, NATO is not the United States and the United States is not

What do you mean 'second'? You've already hit that propagandistic
theme three times - at least.
notion that to look at NATO and see the United States, as if the US
has some
kind of "hypnotic control over Europe" is pure communist/anti-NATO
Naw, LePue, it's you that is spreading your communistic propganda,

Hypnotic, eh?
Our next NATO rep should be named Mesmer.
Likewise, the notion that NATO is a "creature of the United
States that is
Gaw... yet again!?
the creation of the Atlantic Community and becoming a member is an
expression of
What does "becoming a member is an expression of acceptance" mean,

What NATO was create for was to blow up russkie tanks.
NATO membership has absolutely nothing to do with the
United States alone
Gah! Again? You you autistic or just profoundly commie?
The United
States is just one NATO member
You are a total moron, aren't you, LePue?
What Eastern Europeans should see when they look at NATO is not the
A really stupid moron, eh?
The Eastern Europeans must not allow
themselves to be duped by communist, anti-NATO propaganda that aligns
membership with the United States.
Don't worry, they won't, you commie.
They'll just go with the US.
The Eastern Europeans need to realize
that their membership in NATO is not "an American membership
You really need to go see a psychotherapist, LePuke.
they will see
the Atlantic Community, Atlantic values, Atlantic democracy and a
hope for
freedom of which casts a long shadow that ecliptics the United

Hey, moron LePue. Atlantis and its communities sank long ago. Check
out Plato.

Long live NATO (the US),

2003-09-26 21:07:51 UTC
As a former military commander of NATO once put it: ' The function of NATO
is to keep Russia out, Germany down, and the US in.
(quoted from memory)

Anything change since then?


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Post by ESLaPorte
Our new Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer... A diplomat rather than a
military man is hopeful sign!
By ESLaPorte
Wed, Sep 24 2003
Our new Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, is not a military man or a
defense minister, but a diplomat and a foreign minister. De Hoop Scheffer is
not a "military man." He spent only two years as a reserve officer in the
Royal Netherlands Air Force. He was born almost a year before the North
Atlantic Treaty signing (April 3, 1948) in Amsterdam. He attended Leiden
University law school and graduated in 1974.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer served at his country's Permanent Delegation to NATO
in Brussels until 1980. Earlier this year, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer showed his
diplomatic skills by supporting the US-led Iraq war, but keeping the French
and Germans as friends. He is a Christian Democrat and was the leader of the
Parliamentary party. He has been Foreign Minister since July 2002.
He is described as a firm believer in the transatlantic relationship, the
Atlantic Alliance and NATO. What is good about the de Hoop Scheffer's
background is that he was associated with the military of his country for
only two years. The choice of a diplomat rather than a defense minister is a
signal that the NATO Alliance is coming to realize that it should no longer
be just a military alliance.
Many of us believe that for the Cold War to truly be over, NATO must drop
Cold War Atlanticism. That is, we can hope that NATO can start to define
itself as more than just arms, armies, tanks, ships and American bases in
Europe. The appointment of diplomat Jaap de Hoop Scheffer can help toward
this goal of a NATO that is more than just a military alliance.
Someday, hopefully, we can sit down and talk about the Atlantic Alliance,
transatlantic relationship - and even NATO - without bringing up anything
military or defense related!
In service of peace and freedom,
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
P.O. Box 371162
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - USA 53237-2062