Support our NATO, liberator of peoples!
(too old to reply)
2004-06-26 20:36:05 UTC
Support our NATO, liberator of peoples!
Sat, Jun 26 2004

In an article in the summer 2004 addition of the National Interest, US House
members Doug Bereuter and John Lis penned an excellent article on the
continued need for NATO and a strong transatlantic relationship. In their
article, Bereuter and Lis destroy the myth that NATO is "a Cold War
institution in search of mission to keep itself alive." Then - in destroying
this myth about our NATO Alliance, the authors describe the same kinds of
common interests that make NATO a needed institution. NATO is needed more
than ever as both a military-security institution and a political
institution to provide aid and comfort for democratic peoples, including in
the emerging, democratic Iraq.

The security concerns that both North America and Europe share are about the
same. There is the temptation to believe that both Europe "is secure" and
terrorism threatens "only America." However, both Europe and North America
have the same concerns about weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and groups
that wish to obtain WMDs. Europe faces threats from domestic terrorism, as
well as international terrorism. The notion that deals and a "separate
peace" can be made with terrorists that seek our destruction should have
been shattered in the March Madrid bombing. The March Madrid bombing
shattered the notion that the terrorists are "only targeting America." Our
NATO Alliance and Euro-Atlantic fellowship is just as valuable and needed
today as it was during the Cold War to address these common threats.

Security and common threats aside, Bereuter and Lis also discuss the
political functions of the NATO Alliance. What NATO provides, besides
security, is a fraternity for democratic and freedom loving peoples around
the world, as well as in the NATO Alliance. First, membership in NATO
requires that a candidate nation be firmly grounded in democratic practice
and meet non-military reforms, as well as military ones, such as free
elections and human rights for minorities. Second, democratic governments
have relationship with our NATO Alliance include Japan, Australia, among
others. Now, a new, democratic Iraq is in need of the same protection, as is
the fledgling democracy in Afghanistan. NATO is a fraternity of democratic
peoples and those non-European democracies seek that fraternity, including
in Iraq, should receive it in abundance from NATO Allies.

Last weekend, this Author spent much of her time at Polish Fest, the largest
Polish festival in North America. The Polish people, like other Central and
Eastern European people, are grateful for their liberation by the
steadfastness of the Western democracies, a large role played by NATO. Now,
the millions and millions of people in Eastern Europe who were under the
communist jackboot are now liberated and their freedom is guaranteed by
NATO. This celebration Polish membership in both NATO and the European
Union was celebrated at Polish Fest. The celebration of Polish freedom and
national identity was present everywhere at Polish Fest. The people of
Eastern Europe, especially the Polish, have become staunch participants in
the NATO Alliance - and that does not depend on the current party
affiliation of the occupant of the Whitehouse. Now someday, we should at
least offer Partnership for Peace membership for Iraq! By then, the Iraqis
might very well be as enthusiastic about our Alliance as the Polish are!

NATO is protector of freedom - as well as the liberator of peoples.


Articles :

Reps. Doug Bereuter and John Lis. Reorienting Transatlantic Defense. The
National Interest. 2004 SUMMER.

Many of the ideas on NATO and transatlantic defense that Bereuter and Lis
discuss in their article are demonstrated by this Author with references in
her papers:

"The Marriage of Venus and Mars: Europe and America - a new relationship
against terrorism."

"The International Community's role in fighting terrorism."

"Europe and democratic governments against terrorism."
Like the paper above, but with a European emphasis...
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
Milwaukee, WI - USA
"Long live the entangling Alliance!"
"Long live NATO!"
2004-06-30 18:25:27 UTC
Personal (before AM coffee) Observation.
I am amazed, when I read these posts, at the religious fervor.
I have to re-read these sometimes to realize that the "NATO"
referred to here is not some new religion or Hare Krishna sect
or Reverend Mooney (sp?) tract.

NATO is a military alliance of a limited number of countries for a defined
in a specific geographic area.

Is it really necessary to spread the "gospel" of NATO
for the salvation of the souls of the unwashed masses
in the rest of the world who have not yet been
"converted" or "Baptized" in Natoism (Natoisity??).

Other parts of the world, such as Africa and Latin America already have
similar military alliances.
SEATO in South East Asia, if it is still around, too.
Probably make them more efficient to keep such groups local.
Anyway, we already have a group that operates on a global level, the UN.

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Post by ESLaPorte
Support our NATO, liberator of peoples!
Sat, Jun 26 2004
In an article in the summer 2004 addition of the National Interest, US House
members Doug Bereuter and John Lis penned an excellent article on the
continued need for NATO and a strong transatlantic relationship. In their
article, Bereuter and Lis destroy the myth that NATO is "a Cold War
institution in search of mission to keep itself alive." Then - in destroying
this myth about our NATO Alliance, the authors describe the same kinds of
common interests that make NATO a needed institution. NATO is needed more
than ever as both a military-security institution and a political
institution to provide aid and comfort for democratic peoples, including in
the emerging, democratic Iraq.
The security concerns that both North America and Europe share are about the
same. There is the temptation to believe that both Europe "is secure" and
that terrorism threatens "only America."
Post by ESLaPorte
Security and common threats aside, Bereuter and Lis also discuss the
political functions of the NATO Alliance. What NATO provides, besides
security, is a fraternity for democratic and freedom loving peoples around
the world, as well as in the NATO Alliance. First, membership in NATO
requires that a candidate nation be firmly grounded in democratic practice
and meet non-military reforms, as well as military ones, such as free
elections and human rights for minorities. Second, democratic governments
have relationship with our NATO Alliance include Japan, Australia, among
others. Now, a new, democratic Iraq is in need of the same protection, as is
the fledgling democracy in Afghanistan. NATO is a fraternity of democratic
peoples and those non-European democracies seek that fraternity, including
in Iraq, should receive it in abundance from NATO Allies.
Post by ESLaPorte
NATO is protector of freedom - as well as the liberator of peoples.
Post by ESLaPorte
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
Milwaukee, WI - USA
"Long live the entangling Alliance!"
"Long live NATO!"