The truth about those hostage takers...
(too old to reply)
2004-10-31 23:52:37 UTC
The hostage takers are black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits,
Sun, Oct 31 2004
Well, there are those who argue that those who are taking unarmed and
defenseless aid workers hostage - and brutality decapitating them -
engaging in "resistance" and "a struggle for freedom."
First of all, it take no courage to abduct unarmed aid workers. We
see these
cowards wearing masks, holding arms and anti-tank weapons over the
aid workers. They point there guns at head of Margaret Hassan, a
middle aged
woman. Is this coward afraid of a middle aged woman where he has to
have her
tied up and point a gun at her head?! Are the Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
Fundamentalist Brigades and the Army of Muslims (Jaish-e-Muslimeen)
really -
what we here in American call "chickenshits" to where they have to
unarmed and defenseless aid workers?! The truth is that "brave
fighters" of coward groups like Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Fundamentalist
could not assault and take a nursing home full of old people! These
takers, for all their black masks, displays of weapons, and are
nothing more
than murdering cowards who could not win a fight against even an army
of old
We see what are obviously extracted statement to the effect of
"please get
out troops out of Iraq (or Afghanistan) so I can live." We know that
cowards have NO courage to speak of and need to capture aid unarmed
defenseless workers, but why are these murdering cowards doing this?!
Let's see; "they are a resistance force that is fighting for their
liberation from the oppression of the Americans who are waging a 'war
against Islam.' "
NOPE - they're even lower than THAT.
Well- we know that they are not a force, but a bunch of chickenshit
that are nothing but murders, so the notion that the hostage takers
are a
"resistance force" is wrong.
But are these black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits really fighting
against a "war against Islam" and to "liberate Iraq?"
Nope- these black-hooded, well-armed chicken-shits, such as Abu Bakr
al-Siddiq Fundamentalist Brigades, simply do not have the best
interests of
the Iraqi people at heart. For one, take a long look at the hostages
these black-hooded, well-armed chicken-shits are abducting and
There is first Margaret Hassan, who is an Iraq citizen and a Islamic
as well as a person who truly has the best interests of the Iraqi
people at
heart. If these cowards are actually "fighting a war of resistance to
liberate the Iraqi people," why then are they killing fellow Iraqi
who are trying to help their fellow Iraqis?
That is because this is not
about the so-called "liberation of Iraq" and 'resistance of American
In Afghanistan we have the abduction of three United Nations aid
workers by
the Army of Muslims (Jaish-e-Muslimeen), who are equally
well-armed chicken-shits. The three abducted includes and aid worker
Kosovo, Shqipe Habibi, who could very well be Muslim himself, and has
best interests of fellow Muslims at heart. Instead, he and his fellow
unarmed and defenseless UN aid workers were abducted by another set
black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, the Jaish-e-Muslimeen.
Anybody who sympathizes with these bunch of cowards - who are really,
without their weapons, nothing more than costumed 'trick or treating'
children - is likewise a coward and an enemy of the humanity and the
international community. To give any sort of credence to these bunch
murdering cowards, for what ever reason, makes you an enemy of
humanity and
you are part of the criminal problem in both Iraq and Afghanistan. To
yourself in their camp makes you an enemy of humanity and the
Here in America, with the common firearm ownership among the
these Jaish-e-Muslimeen chickenshits would not last long. These
people, if
is what they are, would be quick to cry that their human rights are
violated and that some of the allied forces should be hauled before
for "crimes against them." These aid workers, especially those of the
Nations, should have some kind of protection under international law.
murdering Jaish-e-Muslimeen and Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Fundamentalist
the black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits cowards should face trial
punishment in some kind of international court for their abductions
murders of innocent people but there should be some international
effort to try and punish the murdering cowards who cannot fight, but
decapitate bound aid workers. Being black-hooded, well-armed
chickenshits of
the Jaish-e-Muslimeen should get a coward a very long prison
As a child can see, those black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits
cowards in
both in Iraq and Afghanistan, are nothing more than criminal murders
- not
"resistance fighters" - and they should all share the same prison
block, with the rest of the criminal murders!!!
Bring it on . . !
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
Milwaukee, WI - USA
"Long live the entangling Alliance!"
"Long live NATO!"
An excellent post which I have borrowed and put to good use elsewhere.
Thank you.
Aussie Infidel
2004-11-01 11:56:10 UTC
The hostage takers are black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, COWARDS!
Sun, Oct 31 2004
Well, there are those who argue that those who are taking unarmed and
defenseless aid workers hostage - and brutality decapitating them - are
engaging in "resistance" and "a struggle for freedom."
First of all, it take no courage to abduct unarmed aid workers. We see
cowards wearing masks, holding arms and anti-tank weapons over the
aid workers. They point there guns at head of Margaret Hassan, a middle
woman. Is this coward afraid of a middle aged woman where he has to have
tied up and point a gun at her head?! Are the Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
Fundamentalist Brigades and the Army of Muslims (Jaish-e-Muslimeen)
really -
what we here in American call "chickenshits" to where they have to abduct
unarmed and defenseless aid workers?! The truth is that "brave resistance
fighters" of coward groups like Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Fundamentalist Brigades
could not assault and take a nursing home full of old people! These
takers, for all their black masks, displays of weapons, and are nothing
than murdering cowards who could not win a fight against even an army of
We see what are obviously extracted statement to the effect of "please get
out troops out of Iraq (or Afghanistan) so I can live." We know that these
cowards have NO courage to speak of and need to capture aid unarmed and
defenseless workers, but why are these murdering cowards doing this?!
Let's see; "they are a resistance force that is fighting for their
liberation from the oppression of the Americans who are waging a 'war
against Islam.' "
NOPE - they're even lower than THAT.
Well- we know that they are not a force, but a bunch of chickenshit
that are nothing but murders, so the notion that the hostage takers are a
"resistance force" is wrong.
But are these black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits really fighting back
against a "war against Islam" and to "liberate Iraq?"
Nope- these black-hooded, well-armed chicken-shits, such as Abu Bakr
al-Siddiq Fundamentalist Brigades, simply do not have the best interests
the Iraqi people at heart. For one, take a long look at the hostages that
these black-hooded, well-armed chicken-shits are abducting and murdering.
There is first Margaret Hassan, who is an Iraq citizen and a Islamic
as well as a person who truly has the best interests of the Iraqi people
heart. If these cowards are actually "fighting a war of resistance to
liberate the Iraqi people," why then are they killing fellow Iraqi
who are trying to help their fellow Iraqis?
That is because this is not
about the so-called "liberation of Iraq" and 'resistance of American
In Afghanistan we have the abduction of three United Nations aid workers
the Army of Muslims (Jaish-e-Muslimeen), who are equally black-hooded,
well-armed chicken-shits. The three abducted includes and aid worker from
Kosovo, Shqipe Habibi, who could very well be Muslim himself, and has the
best interests of fellow Muslims at heart. Instead, he and his fellow
unarmed and defenseless UN aid workers were abducted by another set of
black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, the Jaish-e-Muslimeen.
Anybody who sympathizes with these bunch of cowards - who are really,
without their weapons, nothing more than costumed 'trick or treating'
children - is likewise a coward and an enemy of the humanity and the
international community. To give any sort of credence to these bunch of
murdering cowards, for what ever reason, makes you an enemy of humanity
you are part of the criminal problem in both Iraq and Afghanistan. To
yourself in their camp makes you an enemy of humanity and the
Here in America, with the common firearm ownership among the population,
these Jaish-e-Muslimeen chickenshits would not last long. These people, if
is what they are, would be quick to cry that their human rights are being
violated and that some of the allied forces should be hauled before courts
for "crimes against them." These aid workers, especially those of the
Nations, should have some kind of protection under international law.
murdering Jaish-e-Muslimeen and Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Fundamentalist
the black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits cowards should face trial and
punishment in some kind of international court for their abductions and
murders of innocent people but there should be some international
effort to try and punish the murdering cowards who cannot fight, but
decapitate bound aid workers. Being black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits
the Jaish-e-Muslimeen should get a coward a very long prison sentence.
As a child can see, those black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits cowards in
both in Iraq and Afghanistan, are nothing more than criminal murders - not
"resistance fighters" - and they should all share the same prison cell
block, with the rest of the criminal murders!!!
Bring it on . . !
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
Milwaukee, WI - USA
"Long live the entangling Alliance!"
"Long live NATO!"
Iraqi criminals are doing the kidnapping and selling their human prize to
the really nasty guys with the knives and video cameras.
The Iraqis have embraced capitalism. Businessmen are exploiting a readily
available easily extracted commodity, processing it and selling it to an end
user for profit. An easy way to make a living when your job has been blown

They wouldn't have got away with it under Saddam.

Aussie Infidel
Oldrich Kyn
2004-11-01 20:22:51 UTC
Post by Aussie Infidel
The hostage takers are black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, COWARDS!
Sun, Oct 31 2004
Well, there are those who argue that those who are taking unarmed and
defenseless aid workers hostage - and brutality decapitating them - are
engaging in "resistance" and "a struggle for freedom."
First of all, it take no courage to abduct unarmed aid workers. We see
cowards wearing masks, holding arms and anti-tank weapons over the
aid workers. They point there guns at head of Margaret Hassan, a middle
woman. Is this coward afraid of a middle aged woman where he has to have
tied up and point a gun at her head?! Are the Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
Fundamentalist Brigades and the Army of Muslims (Jaish-e-Muslimeen)
really -
what we here in American call "chickenshits" to where they have to abduct
unarmed and defenseless aid workers?! The truth is that "brave resistance
fighters" of coward groups like Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Fundamentalist Brigades
could not assault and take a nursing home full of old people! These
takers, for all their black masks, displays of weapons, and are nothing
than murdering cowards who could not win a fight against even an army of
We see what are obviously extracted statement to the effect of "please get
out troops out of Iraq (or Afghanistan) so I can live." We know that these
cowards have NO courage to speak of and need to capture aid unarmed and
defenseless workers, but why are these murdering cowards doing this?!
Let's see; "they are a resistance force that is fighting for their
liberation from the oppression of the Americans who are waging a 'war
against Islam.' "
NOPE - they're even lower than THAT.
Well- we know that they are not a force, but a bunch of chickenshit
that are nothing but murders, so the notion that the hostage takers are a
"resistance force" is wrong.
But are these black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits really fighting back
against a "war against Islam" and to "liberate Iraq?"
Nope- these black-hooded, well-armed chicken-shits, such as Abu Bakr
al-Siddiq Fundamentalist Brigades, simply do not have the best interests
the Iraqi people at heart. For one, take a long look at the hostages that
these black-hooded, well-armed chicken-shits are abducting and murdering.
There is first Margaret Hassan, who is an Iraq citizen and a Islamic
as well as a person who truly has the best interests of the Iraqi people
heart. If these cowards are actually "fighting a war of resistance to
liberate the Iraqi people," why then are they killing fellow Iraqi
who are trying to help their fellow Iraqis?
That is because this is not
about the so-called "liberation of Iraq" and 'resistance of American
In Afghanistan we have the abduction of three United Nations aid workers
the Army of Muslims (Jaish-e-Muslimeen), who are equally black-hooded,
well-armed chicken-shits. The three abducted includes and aid worker from
Kosovo, Shqipe Habibi, who could very well be Muslim himself, and has the
best interests of fellow Muslims at heart. Instead, he and his fellow
unarmed and defenseless UN aid workers were abducted by another set of
black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, the Jaish-e-Muslimeen.
Anybody who sympathizes with these bunch of cowards - who are really,
without their weapons, nothing more than costumed 'trick or treating'
children - is likewise a coward and an enemy of the humanity and the
international community. To give any sort of credence to these bunch of
murdering cowards, for what ever reason, makes you an enemy of humanity
you are part of the criminal problem in both Iraq and Afghanistan. To
yourself in their camp makes you an enemy of humanity and the
Here in America, with the common firearm ownership among the population,
these Jaish-e-Muslimeen chickenshits would not last long. These people, if
is what they are, would be quick to cry that their human rights are being
violated and that some of the allied forces should be hauled before courts
for "crimes against them." These aid workers, especially those of the
Nations, should have some kind of protection under international law.
murdering Jaish-e-Muslimeen and Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Fundamentalist
the black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits cowards should face trial and
punishment in some kind of international court for their abductions and
murders of innocent people but there should be some international
effort to try and punish the murdering cowards who cannot fight, but
decapitate bound aid workers. Being black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits
the Jaish-e-Muslimeen should get a coward a very long prison sentence.
As a child can see, those black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits cowards in
both in Iraq and Afghanistan, are nothing more than criminal murders - not
"resistance fighters" - and they should all share the same prison cell
block, with the rest of the criminal murders!!!
I disagree, they can be called "resistence fighters", why not? But the
question is against what do they resist? And "resistence fighters" or
not, they are still the lowest possible layer of humanity that is not
"human" any more. They are murderers of the worst kind, deserving more
punishment than just a prison cell.
Post by Aussie Infidel
Bring it on . . !
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
Milwaukee, WI - USA
"Long live the entangling Alliance!"
"Long live NATO!"
Iraqi criminals are doing the kidnapping and selling their human prize to
the really nasty guys with the knives and video cameras.
The Iraqis have embraced capitalism. Businessmen are exploiting a readily
available easily extracted commodity, processing it and selling it to an end
user for profit. An easy way to make a living when your job has been blown
It seems you never heard about black market in "noncapitalist"
Post by Aussie Infidel
They wouldn't have got away with it under Saddam.
Aussie Infidel
Of course not, because they would not be alive any more.
Aussie Infidel
2004-11-05 21:15:49 UTC
Post by Oldrich Kyn
Post by Aussie Infidel
The hostage takers are black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, COWARDS!
Sun, Oct 31 2004
Well, there are those who argue that those who are taking unarmed and
defenseless aid workers hostage - and brutality decapitating them - are
engaging in "resistance" and "a struggle for freedom."
First of all, it take no courage to abduct unarmed aid workers. We see
cowards wearing masks, holding arms and anti-tank weapons over the
aid workers. They point there guns at head of Margaret Hassan, a middle
woman. Is this coward afraid of a middle aged woman where he has to have
tied up and point a gun at her head?! Are the Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
Fundamentalist Brigades and the Army of Muslims (Jaish-e-Muslimeen)
really -
what we here in American call "chickenshits" to where they have to abduct
unarmed and defenseless aid workers?! The truth is that "brave resistance
fighters" of coward groups like Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Fundamentalist Brigades
could not assault and take a nursing home full of old people! These
takers, for all their black masks, displays of weapons, and are nothing
than murdering cowards who could not win a fight against even an army of
We see what are obviously extracted statement to the effect of "please get
out troops out of Iraq (or Afghanistan) so I can live." We know that these
cowards have NO courage to speak of and need to capture aid unarmed and
defenseless workers, but why are these murdering cowards doing this?!
Let's see; "they are a resistance force that is fighting for their
liberation from the oppression of the Americans who are waging a 'war
against Islam.' "
NOPE - they're even lower than THAT.
Well- we know that they are not a force, but a bunch of chickenshit
that are nothing but murders, so the notion that the hostage takers are a
"resistance force" is wrong.
But are these black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits really fighting back
against a "war against Islam" and to "liberate Iraq?"
Nope- these black-hooded, well-armed chicken-shits, such as Abu Bakr
al-Siddiq Fundamentalist Brigades, simply do not have the best interests
the Iraqi people at heart. For one, take a long look at the hostages that
these black-hooded, well-armed chicken-shits are abducting and murdering.
There is first Margaret Hassan, who is an Iraq citizen and a Islamic
as well as a person who truly has the best interests of the Iraqi people
heart. If these cowards are actually "fighting a war of resistance to
liberate the Iraqi people," why then are they killing fellow Iraqi
who are trying to help their fellow Iraqis?
That is because this is not
about the so-called "liberation of Iraq" and 'resistance of American
In Afghanistan we have the abduction of three United Nations aid workers
the Army of Muslims (Jaish-e-Muslimeen), who are equally black-hooded,
well-armed chicken-shits. The three abducted includes and aid worker from
Kosovo, Shqipe Habibi, who could very well be Muslim himself, and has the
best interests of fellow Muslims at heart. Instead, he and his fellow
unarmed and defenseless UN aid workers were abducted by another set of
black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, the Jaish-e-Muslimeen.
Anybody who sympathizes with these bunch of cowards - who are really,
without their weapons, nothing more than costumed 'trick or treating'
children - is likewise a coward and an enemy of the humanity and the
international community. To give any sort of credence to these bunch of
murdering cowards, for what ever reason, makes you an enemy of humanity
you are part of the criminal problem in both Iraq and Afghanistan. To
yourself in their camp makes you an enemy of humanity and the
Here in America, with the common firearm ownership among the population,
these Jaish-e-Muslimeen chickenshits would not last long. These people, if
is what they are, would be quick to cry that their human rights are being
violated and that some of the allied forces should be hauled before courts
for "crimes against them." These aid workers, especially those of the
Nations, should have some kind of protection under international law.
murdering Jaish-e-Muslimeen and Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Fundamentalist
the black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits cowards should face trial and
punishment in some kind of international court for their abductions and
murders of innocent people but there should be some international
effort to try and punish the murdering cowards who cannot fight, but
decapitate bound aid workers. Being black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits
the Jaish-e-Muslimeen should get a coward a very long prison sentence.
As a child can see, those black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits cowards in
both in Iraq and Afghanistan, are nothing more than criminal murders - not
"resistance fighters" - and they should all share the same prison cell
block, with the rest of the criminal murders!!!
I disagree, they can be called "resistence fighters", why not? But the
question is against what do they resist? And "resistence fighters" or
not, they are still the lowest possible layer of humanity that is not
"human" any more. They are murderers of the worst kind, deserving more
punishment than just a prison cell.
Post by Aussie Infidel
Bring it on . . !
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
Milwaukee, WI - USA
"Long live the entangling Alliance!"
"Long live NATO!"
Iraqi criminals are doing the kidnapping and selling their human prize to
the really nasty guys with the knives and video cameras.
The Iraqis have embraced capitalism. Businessmen are exploiting a readily
available easily extracted commodity, processing it and selling it to an end
user for profit. An easy way to make a living when your job has been blown
It seems you never heard about black market in "noncapitalist"
Post by Aussie Infidel
They wouldn't have got away with it under Saddam.
Aussie Infidel
Of course not, because they would not be alive any more.
Exactly! They wouldn't have tried it because they knew the consequences
they would face. In Iraq, law and order went out the window with the

2004-11-06 08:18:29 UTC
Post by Aussie Infidel
Post by Oldrich Kyn
Post by Aussie Infidel
The hostage takers are black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, COWARDS!
Sun, Oct 31 2004
Well, there are those who argue that those who are taking unarmed and
defenseless aid workers hostage - and brutality decapitating them - are
engaging in "resistance" and "a struggle for freedom."
First of all, it take no courage to abduct unarmed aid workers. We see
cowards wearing masks, holding arms and anti-tank weapons over the
aid workers. They point there guns at head of Margaret Hassan, a middle
woman. Is this coward afraid of a middle aged woman where he has to have
tied up and point a gun at her head?! Are the Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
Fundamentalist Brigades and the Army of Muslims (Jaish-e-Muslimeen)
really -
what we here in American call "chickenshits" to where they have to abduct
unarmed and defenseless aid workers?! The truth is that "brave resistance
fighters" of coward groups like Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Fundamentalist Brigades
could not assault and take a nursing home full of old people! These
takers, for all their black masks, displays of weapons, and are nothing
than murdering cowards who could not win a fight against even an army of
We see what are obviously extracted statement to the effect of
Post by Aussie Infidel
Post by Oldrich Kyn
Post by Aussie Infidel
out troops out of Iraq (or Afghanistan) so I can live." We know that these
cowards have NO courage to speak of and need to capture aid unarmed and
defenseless workers, but why are these murdering cowards doing this?!
Let's see; "they are a resistance force that is fighting for their
liberation from the oppression of the Americans who are waging a 'war
against Islam.' "
NOPE - they're even lower than THAT.
Well- we know that they are not a force, but a bunch of chickenshit
that are nothing but murders, so the notion that the hostage takers
Post by Aussie Infidel
Post by Oldrich Kyn
Post by Aussie Infidel
"resistance force" is wrong.
But are these black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits really fighting back
against a "war against Islam" and to "liberate Iraq?"
Nope- these black-hooded, well-armed chicken-shits, such as Abu Bakr
al-Siddiq Fundamentalist Brigades, simply do not have the best interests
the Iraqi people at heart. For one, take a long look at the hostages that
these black-hooded, well-armed chicken-shits are abducting and murdering.
There is first Margaret Hassan, who is an Iraq citizen and a Islamic
as well as a person who truly has the best interests of the Iraqi people
heart. If these cowards are actually "fighting a war of resistance to
liberate the Iraqi people," why then are they killing fellow Iraqi
who are trying to help their fellow Iraqis?
That is because this is not
about the so-called "liberation of Iraq" and 'resistance of American
In Afghanistan we have the abduction of three United Nations aid workers
the Army of Muslims (Jaish-e-Muslimeen), who are equally
Post by Aussie Infidel
Post by Oldrich Kyn
Post by Aussie Infidel
well-armed chicken-shits. The three abducted includes and aid worker from
Kosovo, Shqipe Habibi, who could very well be Muslim himself, and has the
best interests of fellow Muslims at heart. Instead, he and his fellow
unarmed and defenseless UN aid workers were abducted by another set of
black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, the Jaish-e-Muslimeen.
Anybody who sympathizes with these bunch of cowards - who are really,
without their weapons, nothing more than costumed 'trick or treating'
children - is likewise a coward and an enemy of the humanity and the
international community. To give any sort of credence to these bunch of
murdering cowards, for what ever reason, makes you an enemy of humanity
you are part of the criminal problem in both Iraq and Afghanistan. To
yourself in their camp makes you an enemy of humanity and the
Here in America, with the common firearm ownership among the population,
these Jaish-e-Muslimeen chickenshits would not last long. These
Post by Aussie Infidel
Post by Oldrich Kyn
Post by Aussie Infidel
is what they are, would be quick to cry that their human rights are being
violated and that some of the allied forces should be hauled before courts
for "crimes against them." These aid workers, especially those of the
Nations, should have some kind of protection under international law.
murdering Jaish-e-Muslimeen and Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Fundamentalist
the black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits cowards should face trial and
punishment in some kind of international court for their abductions and
murders of innocent people but there should be some international
effort to try and punish the murdering cowards who cannot fight, but
decapitate bound aid workers. Being black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits
the Jaish-e-Muslimeen should get a coward a very long prison sentence.
As a child can see, those black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits
Post by Aussie Infidel
Post by Oldrich Kyn
Post by Aussie Infidel
both in Iraq and Afghanistan, are nothing more than criminal
murders -
Post by Aussie Infidel
Post by Oldrich Kyn
Post by Aussie Infidel
"resistance fighters" - and they should all share the same prison cell
block, with the rest of the criminal murders!!!
I disagree, they can be called "resistence fighters", why not? But the
question is against what do they resist? And "resistence fighters" or
not, they are still the lowest possible layer of humanity that is not
"human" any more. They are murderers of the worst kind, deserving more
punishment than just a prison cell.
Post by Aussie Infidel
Bring it on . . !
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
Milwaukee, WI - USA
"Long live the entangling Alliance!"
"Long live NATO!"
Iraqi criminals are doing the kidnapping and selling their human prize to
the really nasty guys with the knives and video cameras.
The Iraqis have embraced capitalism. Businessmen are exploiting a readily
available easily extracted commodity, processing it and selling it to
Post by Aussie Infidel
Post by Oldrich Kyn
Post by Aussie Infidel
user for profit. An easy way to make a living when your job has been blown
It seems you never heard about black market in "noncapitalist"
Post by Aussie Infidel
They wouldn't have got away with it under Saddam.
Aussie Infidel
Of course not, because they would not be alive any more.
Exactly! They wouldn't have tried it because they knew the consequences
they would face. In Iraq, law and order went out the window with the
Perhaps, one day you could entertain us with the source of your
definitions for "law" and "order". I think many people are willing
to expand their horizons of "understanding".

2004-11-01 22:24:18 UTC
The hostage takers are black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, COWARDS!
Sun, Oct 31 2004
Well, there are those who argue that those who are taking unarmed and
defenseless aid workers hostage - and brutality decapitating them - are
engaging in "resistance" and "a struggle for freedom."
Anybody who sympathizes with these bunch of cowards - who are really,
without their weapons, nothing more than costumed 'trick or treating'
children - is likewise a coward and an enemy of the humanity and the
international community. To give any sort of credence to these bunch of
murdering cowards, for what ever reason, makes you an enemy of humanity
you are part of the criminal problem in both Iraq and Afghanistan. To
yourself in their camp makes you an enemy of humanity and the
Just generally speaking, you don't understand much, do you?
Some are aid workers, some aren't, but the message to you and your troops is
to get the fuck out of Iraq, no buts and ifs. And apologize on the way out
for barging in uninvited.

From Al-Jazeera (
http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/BA590075-7765-4122-B54B-EEAA8A7A1926.htm )

"Perhaps one of the more famous statements on the subject was made by the
late Shaikh Mahmud Shaltut: "Anyone working in the enemy military camps and
factories is one of them and may be killed."

"The war effort is not restricted to those who just carry weapons. The war
effort includes transport and supplies. Aren't supply lines part of military
"An Iraqi interpreter working for an American soldier - isn't that part of
the war effort? Undoubtedly, all those killed were not civilians.""
2004-11-04 14:21:16 UTC
The hostage takers are black-hooded, well-armed chickenshits, COWARDS!
Sun, Oct 31 2004
Well, there are those who argue that those who are taking unarmed and
defenseless aid workers hostage - and brutality decapitating them - are
engaging in "resistance" and "a struggle for freedom."
Anybody who sympathizes with these bunch of cowards - who are really,
without their weapons, nothing more than costumed 'trick or treating'
children - is likewise a coward and an enemy of the humanity and the
international community. To give any sort of credence to these bunch of
murdering cowards, for what ever reason, makes you an enemy of humanity
you are part of the criminal problem in both Iraq and Afghanistan. To
yourself in their camp makes you an enemy of humanity and the
Just generally speaking, you don't understand much, do you?
Some are aid workers, some aren't, but the message to you and your troops is
to get the fuck out of Iraq, no buts and ifs. And apologize on the way out
for barging in uninvited.
From Al-Jazeera (
http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/BA590075-7765-4122-B54B-EEAA8A7A1926.htm )
"Perhaps one of the more famous statements on the subject was made by the
late Shaikh Mahmud Shaltut: "Anyone working in the enemy military camps and
factories is one of them and may be killed."
"The war effort is not restricted to those who just carry weapons. The war
effort includes transport and supplies. Aren't supply lines part of military
"An Iraqi interpreter working for an American soldier - isn't that part of
the war effort? Undoubtedly, all those killed were not civilians.""
Now let me ask you, what would your family say, if you were murdered,
because someone doesn't agree with policies of your country, and you
are "guilty by association", because you are paying taxes, from which
military is financed, and therefore you are "not civilian"? Probably
nothing, because they would be killed too, because they are also
"guilty by association" with *you*, ardent military supporter.
Anyway, there is no need to go to such lengths with pseudo-
arguments. For them killing of infidels is justifiable enough.
Infidel, of course, being anyone whom they decide to kill. Be it
average American or Iraqi aid worker or moderate sheik.