Jailed St. Milosevic Set to Win Serb Election Anyway
(too old to reply)
--= Ö§âmâ ßíñ Këñ0ßí =--
2003-12-27 10:58:37 UTC
It's about time Serbia came to its senses and realized those "reformers"
like Djinjic were nothing but U$ puppets. It is too bad that you sold out
your rightful leader however, it will be difficult freeing him at this
point from the clutches of the necrophiliac-vampire-sadist Carla "The
Impaler" Del Ponte. Perhaps one day Milosevic and Saddam will be running
the next international tribunal--against the hypocrite, mass-murdering,
imperialist criminals Klinton, Bu$h & Bliar!

Serbia was defending itself against Islamic terror and genocidal Croatian
fascist ambitions for Bosnia and the Krajina, Amerika's interventions have
been nothing but armed robbery. Even worse, had it not been for Amerika
sponsoring and training the Islamic terrorist gangsters of the KLA, the
Kosovo war need not have happened. Had it not been for NATO pitting Croatia
and Bosnian Muslims against Serbia, Srebrenica need not have happened.

The truth is, Amerika wanted Milosevic gone because he refused to bow down
to NATO hegemony. Milosevic helped stop the Bosnian war, Milosevic tried to
stop the Kosovo war, but Amerika made sure there was no way that would
happen. It did this through the KLA, and yet the criminals responsible are
not in the Hague and Milosevic is. That's right, Amerika, the same country
that refuses to recognize the International Criminal Court. I think by now
you know the reason why!

Milosevic's Name on the Ballot Signals Serbian Nationalism
New York Times

BELGRADE, Serbia, Dec. 26 — It is symbolic of Serbia's increasingly
nationalistic mood that Slobodan Milosevic, the former president who is on
trial on war crimes charges in The Hague, is running in the parliamentary
elections here on Sunday.

Polls suggest that the most seats will be won by the hard-line nationalist
Radical Party led by Vojislav Seselj, now also a prisoner in The Hague and
a partner in Mr. Milosevic's war-making in the 1990's. Nationalists also
won recent parliamentary elections in Croatia, Serbia's archrival, where
they have just formed a government.

Mr. Milosevic, who heads the list for the Serbian Socialist Party and is
thus likely to win election, and Mr. Seselj are among four leading war
crimes suspects who are running for office in elections on Sunday, even
though they have been indicted by the international criminal tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia in the Netherlands.

The elections were called in October by the Serbian prime minister, Zoran
Zivkovic, after the collapse of his coalition government.

The government came to power in January 2001, three months after mass
protests forced Mr. Milosevic from office, and it handed him over to the
United Nations tribunal in The Hague in June that year.

But the government began to founder after that, and in March was shaken by
the assassination of the prime minister, Zoran Djindjic. Now the loose
coalition that forced Mr. Milosevic out has ceased to exist, and
nationalists who once shared power with Mr. Milosevic are dictating the
tone of the election campaign.

Serbia faces enormous problems: unemployment officially around 13 percent,
and probably much higher; a bureaucracy essentially unreformed from the
Communist era; and organized crime, which flourished during Mr. Milosevic's
13-year rule when his policies led to increasing diplomatic and economic

Yet the question that has dominated a largely lackluster campaign is
whether Serbia should cooperate with the Hague tribunal, which has always
been viewed by many here as biased against Serbs, who make up the bulk of
those indicted.

American and European aid depends in large part on Serbia's cooperation
with the tribunal. But antipathy toward the court increased, diplomats and
local commentators here say, after the court's chief prosecutor, Carla Del
Ponte, issued four new indictments against members of the Serbian security
forces, one of whom, Sreten Lukic, is a deputy minister of police. The
government has refused to hand over the suspects, and declared on Friday
that Gen. Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb war commander wanted for genocide
and other war crimes, was not in Serbia.

The government's statement was in line with the way that parties on all
sides of the political spectrum have sought to highlight their opposition
to the court.

In addition to Mr. Milosevic and Mr. Seselj, the former Yugoslav Army
commander, Nebojsa Pavkovic, who is wanted for atrocities committed by his
forces in Kosovo in 1999, is a candidate for the Socialist People's Party,
and Mr. Lukic is a candidate for the Liberal Party.

A poll by the Belgrade-based Strategic Marketing agency this week predicted
that the Radical Party would be the largest single party in Parliament,
with perhaps 25 percent of the votes cast.

Neither Mr. Milosevic nor Mr. Seselj would be able to take a seat in
Parliament, and the two were banned by the Hague tribunal from taking any
active role in the campaign after court officials learned the Serbian
Socialist Party had used a tape-recorded telephone conversation with Mr.
Milosevic calling on Serbs to vote for it.

Rebeka Bozovic, deputy president of the Liberal Party, blamed Ms. del
Ponte's announcement just ahead of the election campaign for giving the
ultranationalist Radicals a significant boost.

"My genuine belief is that Mrs. Del Ponte was the best head of an electoral
campaign that the Radical Party could ever have had," she said in an

The Liberal Party is a member of the current coalition government and was
once in favor of cooperation with the tribunal. The party's leader, Dusan
Mihajlovic, was among those responsible for Mr. Milosevic's arrest and
subsequent deportation to The Hague.

She said the backlash against Mrs. Del Ponte's announcement had left the
party with little choice but to seek Mr. Lukic's support.

"We saw from the polling that there was no chance of a regular campaign,"
she said, explaining why they had invited him to join the party. "It is an
honor to have him on the list."

Other vote-seeking ploys by the dozens of parties running include the
promise of a return of the monarchy to Serbia, and the appearance on one
list of Josip Broz, a grandson of Tito, the former Communist leader of the
now vanished Yugoslav federation.

There are six main contenders for seats, and "each of the parties that
aspires to Parliament is looking to come up with a certain style or
personality by which it would be different, and shape their identity," said
Zarko Trebjesanin, a professor of psychology at Belgrade University.

Parties fielding war crimes suspects, he said, were counting on a tradition
of spite — "inat" in Serbian — toward the tribunal in The Hague to help
them win more votes, even though it could be detrimental to Serbia's long-
term interests.

"Most people understand that Europe or the U.S. is not going to be happy
with Seselj or Milosevic being on the party lists," Mr. Trebjesanin said.
People voting for these parties, he said, would in many cases "do it out of
spite even if it is no good for themselves."

The Liberal Party, whose leader has been dogged by allegations of
corruption during his tenure as interior minister, has adopted a black
sheep as its electoral emblem. Ms. Bozovic said the black sheep represented
something that could be admired by "going against the flow."

"People are loving it," she said. "Everybody wants to have the badge and
the T-shirt!"
--=( Ö§âmâ ßíñ Këñ0ßí )=----- ----- --- - -
Rebel Alliance Galactic Usenet News Service
--- --- ---=================----------- - -
Fuck the Empire! http://snipurl.com/3hun
2003-12-27 11:31:29 UTC
Sounds like you're still upset that uncle Slobo is in the slammer.

Couldn't post bail ehh?
2003-12-28 03:28:29 UTC
Post by --= Ö§âmâ ßíñ Këñ0ßí =--
It's about time Serbia came to its senses and realized those "reformers"
like Djinjic were nothing but U$ puppets. It is too bad that you sold out
your rightful leader however, it will be difficult freeing him at this
point from the clutches of the necrophiliac-vampire-sadist Carla "The
Impaler" Del Ponte. Perhaps one day Milosevic and Saddam will be running
the next international tribunal--against the hypocrite, mass-murdering,
imperialist criminals Klinton, Bu$h & Bliar!
Serbia was defending itself against Islamic terror and genocidal Croatian
fascist ambitions for Bosnia and the Krajina, Amerika's interventions have
been nothing but armed robbery. Even worse, had it not been for Amerika
sponsoring and training the Islamic terrorist gangsters of the KLA, the
Kosovo war need not have happened. Had it not been for NATO pitting Croatia
and Bosnian Muslims against Serbia, Srebrenica need not have happened.
The truth is, Amerika wanted Milosevic gone because he refused to bow down
to NATO hegemony. Milosevic helped stop the Bosnian war, Milosevic tried to
stop the Kosovo war, but Amerika made sure there was no way that would
happen. It did this through the KLA, and yet the criminals responsible are
not in the Hague and Milosevic is. That's right, Amerika, the same country
that refuses to recognize the International Criminal Court. I think by now
you know the reason why!
It was previously thought that most of the world's population of stupid
people lived in Russia. Now we know that there is a significant population
of stupidians in Serbia.

Hah-hah-hah...let them go backwards. What a bunch of retards! Vote for
--= Ö§âmâ ßíñ Këñ0ßí =--
2003-12-28 10:37:24 UTC
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, "Shchelkunchik"
Post by Shchelkunchik
Post by --= Ö§âmâ ßíñ Këñ0ßí =--
stop the Kosovo war, but Amerika made sure there was no way that would
happen. It did this through the KLA, and yet the criminals responsible are
not in the Hague and Milosevic is. That's right, Amerika, the same country
that refuses to recognize the International Criminal Court. I think by now
you know the reason why!
It was previously thought that most of the world's population of stupid
people lived in Russia. Now we know that there is a significant population
of stupidians in Serbia.
Hah-hah-hah...let them go backwards. What a bunch of retards! Vote for
Yeah, I figured this would upset you imperialists.
--=( Ö§âmâ ßíñ Këñ0ßí )=----- ----- --- - -
Rebel Alliance Galactic Usenet News Service
--- --- ---=================----------- - -
Fuck the Empire! http://snipurl.com/3hun