Bosniak pre-BiH ancestoral homeland
(too old to reply)
2004-06-06 16:50:46 UTC
Can someone please tell me the ancestoral homelands of the Bosniaks. I
cannot find anything on their pre-BiH homeland. There is information on
every other Slavic tribe's origings and homelands but nothing for Bosniaks.

Can someone help me by answering the following questions:

1. What modern country/countries does the ancient Bosniak homeland exist in

2. When did the Bosniaks migrate, how long did it take, and when did they
arrive in modern BiH?

2. What general path did the Bosniaks migrate on from their ancient homeland
to the future (modern) homeland? And what evidence is there of this?

3. When was the earliest noted mention of Bosniaks? For example, i have
learnt Croats were first mentioned 200 A.D.

4. What what ther Bosniak's tribe, culture and paganism like?

Thank You & Warm Regards
2004-08-10 20:39:55 UTC
It is very hard to answer your questions because Bosniaks are actually Serbs
converted into Islam during Turkish empire. During the last war in BiH, all
muslims took new name "Bosniaks". Before the war, they were claiming
themselves as Serbs or Croats or Yugoslavs.
Someone gave you wrong information about Croats too. First Croats came on
Balkan peninsula 800 years after Christ.
If you want to know more about this topic mail me.

Post by Eto
Can someone please tell me the ancestoral homelands of the Bosniaks. I
cannot find anything on their pre-BiH homeland. There is information on
every other Slavic tribe's origings and homelands but nothing for Bosniaks.
1. What modern country/countries does the ancient Bosniak homeland exist in
2. When did the Bosniaks migrate, how long did it take, and when did they
arrive in modern BiH?
2. What general path did the Bosniaks migrate on from their ancient homeland
to the future (modern) homeland? And what evidence is there of this?
3. When was the earliest noted mention of Bosniaks? For example, i have
learnt Croats were first mentioned 200 A.D.
4. What what ther Bosniak's tribe, culture and paganism like?
Thank You & Warm Regards
Mike Mays
2004-08-25 15:48:36 UTC
well i suppose Bosnia and Kosovo are more Mountainous and
newcomers,where ever they come from chased many of them into the
mountains there long ago.The newcomers are more Slavic? all throughout
Europe people are different every 30 miles.
2004-08-25 19:30:37 UTC
What do you mean under the term "newcomers"?The real autochthonous nation
were Ilirs.They were ancestors of Albanians. Nowadays, other nations in
Balkan are "newcomers", but those "newcomers" came there 700 and 800, and
they are all Slavic from Greece all the way to Slovenia.Since Turks
conquered Balkan peninsula, Ilirs became muslims(albanians), and certain
percentage of Serbs and some Croats have been converted into a muslims.
Maybe all throughout Europe people are different every 30 miles, but on
Balkan we are all same :)
Post by Mike Mays
well i suppose Bosnia and Kosovo are more Mountainous and
newcomers,where ever they come from chased many of them into the
mountains there long ago.The newcomers are more Slavic? all throughout
Europe people are different every 30 miles.
Mike Mays
2004-08-27 02:13:21 UTC
repling to this discussion i was refering newcomers to be the new
people moving into the area thousands of years ago and as a result some
peoples have less original ancestory than others depending where they
lived.Some areas are more traveled by and certain geographical areas are
more open for people to blend.(variables-mountains-rivers-flatlands,etc)
Its complex. Its more complex than that because the newcomer tribes
that moved into the area were somewhat different themselves.. people
are different but i seem to think there are some common simalarities
and there are differences.have any idea where the Croatian come from?
Serbian? Sylvania is further away from their origin because they speak
different language. I guess there are books on this.
2004-08-27 15:04:01 UTC
Speaking of "newcomers", I agree with you.
Croatians didn't come from Serbians, but Both nations came from same old
country(Karpats..whatever). That applies on Slovenians too.
Post by Mike Mays
repling to this discussion i was refering newcomers to be the new
people moving into the area thousands of years ago and as a result some
peoples have less original ancestory than others depending where they
lived.Some areas are more traveled by and certain geographical areas are
more open for people to blend.(variables-mountains-rivers-flatlands,etc)
Its complex. Its more complex than that because the newcomer tribes
that moved into the area were somewhat different themselves.. people
are different but i seem to think there are some common simalarities
and there are differences.have any idea where the Croatian come from?
Serbian? Sylvania is further away from their origin because they speak
different language. I guess there are books on this.
Mike Mays
2004-08-27 18:30:00 UTC
another piece of the history is Religion,there is Eastern
Orthodox,RCatholic and the Bogomil before the people were Moslem. I
think original people came in during the Ice age- melt off. Everthink of
2004-08-27 19:47:41 UTC
See...you hit the spot, and maybe you didn't know that :)
All those moslems in bosnia, so called Bosniaks, are telling now that they
aren't converted Serb and Croats. They were bogomils before Turks came :))
And the best part is-their leader Alija Izetbegovic declared himself as a
serb in former Yugoslavia :)
Post by Mike Mays
another piece of the history is Religion,there is Eastern
Orthodox,RCatholic and the Bogomil before the people were Moslem. I
think original people came in during the Ice age- melt off. Everthink of
Mike Mays
2004-08-28 18:13:07 UTC
not familiar with how things were said at the time,im sure there are
plenty of explanations,he sure had a lot of educated explanations. have
to listen to how it was said___ some expressions use other meanings to
say something _____ __getting back to the subject___someone mentioned
Homeland, i responded to the homeland explanation and this persons
message asking about homeland appears deleted,well the original people
from this Balkins area perhaps was the people from NW Europe Viking type
that moved in after glacial meltoff thousands of years ago.Certain
geographical regions in the Balkins have more of this original ancestory
than others depending on how fast outsiders,newcomers moved in and how
much they mixed.accepted,etc. People are different through out
Balkins,not the same, although they do have some similar customs.
2004-08-29 01:50:34 UTC
You reminded me on something....In Serbia they have a group called Orthodox
Those guys believe that Irish and Serbs have same origin. I can't give you
further explanation because I don't know anything about that "connection" :)
If you would like to listen their music I'll give you a link for it.
Post by Mike Mays
not familiar with how things were said at the time,im sure there are
plenty of explanations,he sure had a lot of educated explanations. have
to listen to how it was said___ some expressions use other meanings to
say something _____ __getting back to the subject___someone mentioned
Homeland, i responded to the homeland explanation and this persons
message asking about homeland appears deleted,well the original people
from this Balkins area perhaps was the people from NW Europe Viking type
that moved in after glacial meltoff thousands of years ago.Certain
geographical regions in the Balkins have more of this original ancestory
than others depending on how fast outsiders,newcomers moved in and how
much they mixed.accepted,etc. People are different through out
Balkins,not the same, although they do have some similar customs.
Mike Mays
2004-08-27 02:22:53 UTC