They're at it again in BiH...
(too old to reply)
2004-04-01 15:20:58 UTC
*Well - the mindless, stormtroopers of SFOR are at it again in BiH! For
starters, what SFOR does in the name of our beloved NATO - also "for the
Atlantic Community" - is disgraceful! First of all, this Author is not
"pro-Serb," "pro-Russian" - but pro-Atlantic Community and especially
pro-North Atlantic Treaty. What SFOR does in BiH, espically in the town of
Pale, is to spit on the North Atlantic Treaty and SFOR needs to stop calling
itself part of NATO. I have stopped, for a long time, concidering SFOR as
part of NATO, and therefore associated with the North Atlantic Treaty. This
Author no longer associates SFOR with our beloved NATO Alliance and
therefore with the North Atlantic Treaty and the Atlantic Community!

Our Atlantic Alliance and the North Atlantic Treaty should not be dragged
down to the gutter level that SFOR drags them down to!

Second - the North Atlantic Treaty is for the Bosnian Serbs, just as it is
for Czechs, Poles and Croats, and all peoples. There are those who are
working to bring the Serbian people, as well as Russian, to the place where
they are allies of the Atlantic Community and NATO... The actions of SFOR
trounce the spirit of the North Atlantic Treaty and cause unnecessary
setbacks in bringing the Serbian people to the Atlantic Community and the
Serbian people's rightfully place in being associated with the North
Atlantic Treaty.

Third - this notion the Serbia cannot be associated with NATO and the
Atlantic Community until two war criminals are produced CHEAPENS our North
Atlantic Treaty and Atlantic Community. The North Atlantic Treaty, its
priciples, values and purposes, are of greater value that two war criminals.
Our North Atlantic Treaty and association to our NATO and the Atlantic
Community should not be sold for that cheap!

SFOR is utterly shameful and disgraceful to us all in the Atlantic

Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
P.O. Box 371162
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - USA
"Long live the entangling Alliance!"

Bullets fly as NATO troops carry out operation against war crimes suspect in

The Associated Press
March 31, 2004, Wednesday, BC cycle

By RADUL RADOVANOVIC, Associated Press Writer

PALE, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Gunfire and an explosion resounded early Thursday as NATO troops surrounded
a building in Pale, the city where top war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic
has taken refuge.

Two helicopters landed in front of the building. Soldiers carried two people
out on stretchers, and the choppers flew off.

Pale is the site of the headquarters of Karadzic, the leader of Bosnia's
Serbs during the republic's ethnic war - Europe's worst bloodshed since
World War II.

He is indicted by the U.N. tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, on suspicion
of war crimes.

Capt. Dave Sullivan, a spokesman for the NATO-led peacekeeping force in
Bosnia, said it was "an ongoing operation regarding persons indicted for
war-crimes." He refused to go into details beyond saying that American,
British and other international troops were involved.

About 100 residents - some angry, others confused - gathered around the
area, cordoned off by peacekeepers with white tape in the center of Pale,
2004-04-02 03:50:58 UTC
makrwan podal takie definicje na RM
Jesli zna Pan Warszawe to prosze przejesc na ul. Kolejowa blisko dawnego
Dworca Glównego.
Tam jest jedna ze stacji transformatorowych do której energia
jest linia 220 kV.
Gdy bedzie Pan jechal z Warszawy w kierunku Poznania niedaleko TESCO
zobaczy Pan stacje transformatorowo rozdzielcza 220/110 kV. Jesli uczyl
sie Pan fizyki to moze zrozumie Pan ile energii dostarczanych i
rozprowadzanych jest liniami 220 i 100 kV. To sa linie napowietrzne i te
sa widoczne.
Sa jeszcze linie kablowe o innych napieciach, tych nie widac poniewaz sa
biegna pod ziemia...
Oddaje go pod twoja elektryczna opieke
Jestem zdzieraczem azbestu, sprzataczka i pomywaczem zydowskich dup,
a wiec znac sie na tym nie moge.
PS.Musisz pytac jakiegos Zyda.
Skoro zdzieracz azbestu, sprzataczka i pomywacz zydowskich dup (wedlug wlasnej
definicji) nie chce odpowiadac, ja Zyd nadwyreze swoje siwe komorki i sprobuje
Enregia = napiecie * natezenie.
1 wat = 1V * 1 A
Opornosc = napiecie / natezenie.
A niedawno zauwazylem ze napiecie z baterii z cytryny (ktore moj syn zrobil na
science project) wynosilo okolo 0.6V.
Zalku, gra na gitarze, baterie z cytryny, to dystrakcje; czy twoj syn
juz m-16 (albo przynajmniej uzi) potrafi obslugiwac, czy tez dezertera
Jerzy Pawlowski
2004-04-03 02:09:26 UTC
Post by ESLaPorte
Second - the North Atlantic Treaty is for the Bosnian
Serbs, just as it is for Czechs, Poles and Croats,
and all peoples.
NATO never helped Eastern European countries. Their
only action was to attack Jugoslavia in 99, and to
kill over 500 civilians. At the same time NATO broke
their own treaty, which states that NATO is only
designed for the defense of their own territory.
"Imbéciles réveillez vous!"

Jerzy Pawlowski (***@panix.com)