Letter to SecGen regarding brutal behavior of SFOR.
(too old to reply)
2004-04-01 16:35:28 UTC
**I learned of the brutal actions of SFOR - for the umpteenth time - with
great anger and sadness. Every single brutal action that SFOR executes on
the Serbian people in the Balkans, especially in BiH moves us further away
from bringing the Serbian people into the Atlantic family. SFOR must stop
these brutal search practices, or we shall get nowhere but backwards in our
stated goals!

Second - along with the brutal actions of SFOR, this notion the Serbia
cannot be associated with NATO and the Atlantic Community until two war
criminals are produced CHEAPENS our North Atlantic Treaty and Atlantic
Community. The North Atlantic Treaty, its principles, values and purposes,
are of greater value that two war criminals. Our North Atlantic Treaty and
association to our NATO and the Atlantic Community should not be sold for
that cheap!

Third - I have noted that for sometime, from the news reports, that there is
a rather anti-Serbian culture present in and among SFOR troops. A while
back, a former member of SFOR sent me an e-mail indicating that SFOR troops
are taught to believe that the Serbs "are crazy about war" and "can't be
trusted and are chronic liars." What we should do is purge the anti-Serb
mentality from the ranks of SFOR and remove the peace enforcement status of
SFOR to peacekeeping - and purge Bosnian Muslin "helpers" from the ranks of
SFOR. In short, SFOR should stop with the anti-Serbian bigotry and organized
campaigns of violence against Pale Serbs.

Rather than shooting at Bosnian Serbs - we should be passing out the North
Atlantic Treaty in Serbo-Croatian to these human beings in Pale! SFOR is
utterly shameful and disgraceful to us all in the Atlantic Community and
sets farther away from our goals of a Europe "whole and free" and the
rightful place of the Serbian people in the Atlantic family! Rather than
shooting at Bosnian Serbs - we should be passing out the North Atlantic
Treaty in Serbo-Croatian to these human beings in Pale!

What this Author is also alarmed at is that after the serious wounding of a
priest and his son - why has no statement of apology from our Alliance been
2004-04-01 17:05:41 UTC
I have just faxed this letter of protest to the SecGen's office (to one
phone number) in Brussels...

If you are interested in putting up a meaningful effort to change SFOR's
behavior - democratically - through various Atlantic Councils, the NATO PA
and I am open to that. I will say something... I am considering attending
the various pro-NATO forums and other activities this year, starting in
Norfolk. I am also considering contacting the Serbian Unity Congress and
offering to work with them on protesting SFOR's behavior through various
Atlantic Associations and the NATO PA and perhaps through the a writing

I intend to at least do something...
Erin LaPorte
The NATO Citizen - www.pronato.com
P.O. Box 371162
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - USA
"Long live the entangling Alliance!"