Well - I told you SO!
(too old to reply)
The NATO Citizen
2004-10-14 21:00:45 UTC
*Well - I told you so about what and how the Baltics see their NATO
membership...Using their assession to our NATO as some sort of "tool"
against Russia - and that was never the intent of the North Atlantic

#On 1 September the Russian embassy in Latvia asked for permission to let
six planes of the Russian air force and navy carrying soldiers fly through
Latvian airspace to Kaliningrad Region. The request was turned down. In
addition, the embassy received a negative answer to a request for flights of
An-26 Curl and Tu-134 Crusty planes on 6 September. The denial was explained
by Latvia's recent accession to NATO.#

Well - I told you so people...and Latvia's conduct is contary to the North
Atlantic Treaty and is shameful!


Lithuania, Latvia accused of obstructing Russian access to Kaliningrad

BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union - Political
Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring

October 14, 2004, Thursday

Interfax-AVN military news agency web site, Moscow, in English 0752 gmt 14
Oct 04

Text of report in English by Russian news agency Interfax-AVN web site

Poiana Brasov, Romania, 14 October: Lithuania and Latvia have been hampering
Russian military transit following their accession to NATO, Defence Minister
Sergey Ivanov said at an informal meeting between NATO and Russia defence
ministers in the Romanian town of Poiana Brasov on Thursday 14 October .

"Russia met with understanding the requests of Germany and France for air
and railroad transit of servicemen and military cargo to Afghanistan,"
Ivanov said.

"Meanwhile, Lithuania has taken the opposite stand and is hampering Russia's
military transit to and from Russian territory in every way possible," he

"Latvia is acting in unison with its neighbour." "Latvia's denial of access
to Russian military cargo planes carrying soldiers under the pretext of its
accession to NATO does not sound serious at all," the minister said.
"Perhaps we should remind new members of the alliance that they have also
assumed membership commitments in the Russia-NATO Council," he said.
2004-10-14 21:30:31 UTC
No, it's not to contrary to the intent of NATO.
One for all and all for one.
US does not want terrorists flying over NY and Latvia does not want Russians
flying over Riga.
Perfectly meets the intent of the N-Treaty

Remember the NATO slogan,
Americans in,
Germans down and
Russians out.

The French / Germans went to Afghanistan to attack Taliban..
What is Russia planning to attack that it needs to send
active military divisions thru Latvia? Did I miss the headlines in the

Neither Latvia nor Lietuva are so large that planes cannot make a small air
loop to go around.
No need to disrupt aviation in those countries for a couple of planes that
could just as well
take a few extra minutes to detour. The pilots could use the extra air time
for practice.
These requests were not necessary, just intended as a show of
force by the RussFederation. So why accommodate that?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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establishing a system for change of government.
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Post by The NATO Citizen
*Well - I told you so about what and how the Baltics see their NATO
membership...Using their assession to our NATO as some sort of "tool"
against Russia - and that was never the intent of the North Atlantic
#On 1 September the Russian embassy in Latvia asked for permission to let
six planes of the Russian air force and navy carrying soldiers fly through
Latvian airspace to Kaliningrad Region. The request was turned down. In
addition, the embassy received a negative answer to a request for flights of
An-26 Curl and Tu-134 Crusty planes on 6 September. The denial was explained
by Latvia's recent accession to NATO.#
Well - I told you so people...and Latvia's conduct is contary to the North
Atlantic Treaty and is shameful!
Lithuania, Latvia accused of obstructing Russian access to Kaliningrad
BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union - Political
Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring
October 14, 2004, Thursday
Interfax-AVN military news agency web site, Moscow, in English 0752 gmt 14
Oct 04
Text of report in English by Russian news agency Interfax-AVN web site
Poiana Brasov, Romania, 14 October: Lithuania and Latvia have been hampering
Russian military transit following their accession to NATO, Defence Minister
Sergey Ivanov said at an informal meeting between NATO and Russia defence
ministers in the Romanian town of Poiana Brasov on Thursday 14 October .
"Russia met with understanding the requests of Germany and France for air
and railroad transit of servicemen and military cargo to Afghanistan,"
Ivanov said.
"Meanwhile, Lithuania has taken the opposite stand and is hampering Russia's
military transit to and from Russian territory in every way possible," he
"Latvia is acting in unison with its neighbour." "Latvia's denial of access
to Russian military cargo planes carrying soldiers under the pretext of its
accession to NATO does not sound serious at all," the minister said.
"Perhaps we should remind new members of the alliance that they have also
assumed membership commitments in the Russia-NATO Council," he said.
Uno Hu
2004-10-15 09:07:03 UTC
Post by treasure
No, it's not to contrary to the intent of NATO.
One for all and all for one.
US does not want terrorists flying over NY and Latvia does not want Russians
flying over Riga.
Perfectly meets the intent of the N-Treaty
Remember the NATO slogan,
Americans in,
Germans down and
Russians out.
The French / Germans went to Afghanistan to attack Taliban..
What is Russia planning to attack that it needs to send
active military divisions thru Latvia? Did I miss the headlines in the
Neither Latvia nor Lietuva are so large that planes cannot make a small air
loop to go around.
No need to disrupt aviation in those countries for a couple of planes that
could just as well
take a few extra minutes to detour. The pilots could use the extra air time
for practice.
These requests were not necessary, just intended as a show of
force by the RussFederation. So why accommodate that?
It is useless to attempt to reason with LaPantie.
From what I've seen and must conclude, it is rabidly anti-NATO and
Nothing else, just another Kremlin puppet.

Uno Hu
